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Seat and License Management

The License Management tool in CareerSafe Campus Teacher Tools makes it easy for administrators to organize and allocate purchased CareerSafe seats to teachers and staff within their organization. Teachers and staff can then use the same tools to distribute seats to their own students. This guide will walk you through all things related to seat and license management, including: 

How do I enroll my students in a course? Refer to our Course Enrollment Support Guide for detailed instructions for enrolling your students in course seats.

Creating a Site

The first step in license management is to create a site (the location at which licenses will be used):

  1. Navigate to the CareerSafe Campus and sign in.
  2. Once you have signed in, click the Teacher Tools link on the left-hand side of the page or the Teacher Tools button at the top of your Home page.
  3. Within the Teacher Tools, click the License Management tab near the top of the page.
  4. A table titled My Seats will display. Click the Add Site button below the table to create a new site.
  5. In the Site Name field, enter a descriptive name for your site, such as the name of your school or organization.
  6. Search for your school or organization by zip code or name.
  7. Locate and select your school or organization from the results list and click the Create Site button.
  8. A success message will display at the top of the screen when your site has been created. Your newly created site will now be listed on the License Management tab under the Add Site button. (For example, the Kasey Koala seat distributions shown in the screenshot below).
New Site Created Successfully (screenshot)
Adding Teachers to a Site

Once you’ve created a site for your school or organization, you can add and assign teachers to that site following the steps below:

  1. From within the Teacher Tools on the CareerSafe Campus, click the License Management tab near the top of the page.
  2. Scroll down to the existing sites dropdown pane below the My Seats chart. Find the site you’d like to add teachers to and click the Add Teacher button.

Follow the steps below, depending on whether the teacher you are adding to the site has an existing CareerSafe account or the teacher needs a new account.

Add a Teacher with an Existing CareerSafe Account to the Site

  1. If the teacher you’re adding has an existing CareerSafe account, click the Existing Teacher tab in the pop-up.
  2. Search for the teacher’s account using their full email address.
Add Existing Teacher to Site (screenshot)
  1. Verify the teacher in the results is the correct teacher and click the teacher's name to add them to the site.
  2. Once the teacher has been added, you’ll be able to locate them in the Site Teachers section of the site dropdown pane.
List of Teachers Attached to the Site (screenshot)
  1. Repeat the steps above for any additional teachers you would like to add to the site.

Add a New Teacher Account to the Site

  1. If the teacher you’re adding does not have an existing CareerSafe account, click the New Teacher tab of the pop-up.
  2. Fill in the fields on the New Teacher tab to create an account for the teacher. The Mailing Address will be populated with your shipping address by default. Make sure to enter the mailing address for the teacher, as this will be where their student's OSHA card is sent.
Add a New Teacher Account to the Site (screenshot)
  1. Click the Add Teacher to Site button. The teacher will now be listed under the site and they will receive an email with instructions for signing in to their new CareerSafe account.
Allocating Seats to Teachers

Once teachers have been added to a site, seats can be allocated to those teachers for distribution to students using the following steps:

  1. From within the Teacher Tools on the CareerSafe Campus, click the License Management tab near the top of the page.
  2. Locate the site and teacher you’d like to allocate seats to and click Allocate Seats to the right of their name and email address.
List of Teachers Attached to the Site (screenshot)
  1. A Seat Allocation chart will display. The Seats Available column displays the number of seats available for allocation to the teacher. The Seats Allocated column displays the number of seats currently allocated to the teacher.
  2. To allocate additional seats to a teacher, enter the number of seats you’d like to add into the Add Seats column that corresponds to the course for which you’d like to add seats.

Note: You can add seats to multiple courses at once by entering values into multiple fields in the Add Seats column.

Seat Allocation Table (screenshot)
  1. Once you have finished adjusting seat numbers, click the Update Seat Allocation button beneath the Seat Allocation chart.
  2. A success message will display at the top of the screen when seats have been successfully allocated.
Recalling Seats from a Teacher

Seats previously distributed to a teacher that are unused may be recalled and reallocated to another teacher using the following steps:

  1. From within the Teacher Tools on the CareerSafe Campus, click the License Management tab near the top of the page.
  2. Locate the site and teacher you’d like to recall seats from and click Allocate Seats to the right of their name and email address.
  3. A Seat Allocation chart will display. The Seats Allocated column displays the number of seats currently allocated to the teacher. The Seats Used column displays the number of the allocated seats that are in use. The seats available for recall are the difference between the number of seats allocated less the number used.
Seat Allocation Table (screenshot)
  1. To recall seats from a teacher, click the Recall Seats button and enter the number of seats you’d like to remove from the seats allocated that are currently unused.
  2. Once you have finished adjusting seat numbers, click the Update Seat Allocation button beneath the Seat Allocation chart.
  3. A success message will display at the top of the screen when seats have been successfully unallocated.
  4. Once the seats have been recalled, they are now available for reallocation. Refer to the Allocating Seats to Teachers section above to redistribute the recalled seats.
Exchanging Seats

Teachers and administrators can exchange seats from one CareerSafe course to another within the same library (e.g., OSHA 10-Hour), as long as the seat is empty. If a student has been enrolled in the seat that you wish to exchange, then following conditions apply:

  • the enrolled student has completed less than 50% of the course content;
  • the student enrolled in the seat has not previously had the course reset; and
  • the seat is not in a third-party course (e.g., OSHA 30-Hour Construction, HAZWOPER, First Aid).
Refer to our Course Enrollment Support Guide for instructions on how to unenroll a student from a course seat.

Exchanging Seats Between Courses

  1. Navigate to the CareerSafe Campus and sign in.
  2. Once you have signed in, click the Teacher Tools link on the left-hand side of the page or the Teacher Tools button at the top of you Home page.
  3. Within the Teacher Tools, click the Seat Management tab near the top of the page.
  4. A table titled My Seats will display. Locate the course from which you’d like to exchange seats and click Exchange Seats link to the right of the Teacher Code column.
  5. The next screen will display both the original course and any courses available for exchange. Adjust the numbers in the Reallocate column to distribute the available seats from the original course to any of the courses available for exchange. Click the Submit button to save your changes.

Note: You may allocate available seats to multiple courses, but the total reallocated may not exceed the number of seats available in the original course.

Seat Allocation Modal (screenshot)
  1. The changes you made will be reflected in the My Seats chart, and seats are now ready to be distributed to students.